Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Working has really put into perspective the kind of life that the next 50 years. I got to work at 10.45 because Karina had to go to the bank. So I got to sit around for an extra ten minutes. I got on the bus and fell asleep. That made me nervous because I woke up two stops before my stop. Anyways, I got the honor of making tea, a feat in which I did not screw up. So now my record is 1 good and 1 bad. I had to go to the accountants to pick up some files, so I got to ride in a taxi. 

Taxis are incredibly scary and stressful!

I went a total of .5 miles, and I could have sworn we were going to get in about 6 accidents. We also did a three point turn in the middle of on coming traffic. The accountant's office was in an old refurbished factory. I really need to explore the East End soon. Maybe this weekend, who knows? After getting back and doing work, I took lunch at 3. I got some soup from the cafe down the street. I like where I work because the food is actually quite cheap. 

Around quitting time- 6.15 tonight, Karina asked if I wanted to go to the pub with her and a co-worker and her son. I said sure. They were very nice people and Karina and I got to have some quality conversations after they left. I ended up getting home around 9.00..So a solid 11 hour day. 

The rest of the night was just spent hanging around with people, either in my room, their room, or the kitchen (I was a little hungry). Now I am hurrying up and getting to bed because I have another conference tomorrow, like I did last week only different, that starts at 9.30. I will be the only representative there from 9.30 until 10.30, so I have to make sure I do well. 

Also, to keep up with my quest to find horse heads in London, may I present the one from Camden Market.

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